Early Mornings
My alarm will usually go off at seven and my brain will spend a panicked few seconds trying to get my arm to move and turn it off. I've talked before about my sleep schedule and how I'll often suffer from bouts of insomnia that make the early classes a form of torture for me.
The odd thing is that during the break I had no problem getting up at seemingly ridiculous hours to get to work on time but as soon as I need to haul my ass out of bed for a nine thirty lecture all of a sudden the snooze button on the alarm starts to be abused. Perhaps it's because I now live off campus and actually have to walk for about twenty minutes to get to class or perhaps its because I get paid to show up to work, either way today I had an 8:30 class and that inspired this little post.
Campus is an interesting place first thing in the morning as it is virtually abandoned. If you're lucky one of the cafe's will be open and you can get some life-giving caffeine. There are also some coffee machines on campus now that actually dispense halfway decent coffee for only $2. On Wednesdays the Guild gives out free slices of toast so if, like me, you have to skip breakfast because you've been a bit generous with the snooze button you at least don't have to go into your lecture hungry.
Other than that campus is a serene place before the buses start dropping students off, the long procession from the village begins and the car parks begin to fill up. If you get there really early, as I have on some occasions, you can simply relax on bush court and perhaps get some readings done before your tutorial. When the sun is shining and you've got a free piece of toast getting up early doesn't seem so bad.
I spent a panicked 10 minutes trying to find my alarm (via phone) this morning to turn it off, needless to say, it did its job and woke me up. I hate early mornings.
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