
The world runs on money. If you have money then anything you need or want in the world can be bought or rented. If you don’t then go away and come back when you’ve found some money. Finding money can be accomplished by many varied activities; you can beg, borrow, steal or earn. As I have too much pride to beg, no rich friends to borrow from and my ability to steal is only matched by my ability to update a blog on time I am forced to seek out gainful employment.

Work can be a deeply demoralising experience which is why its so odd that finding a job can be so difficult. If you’re at all like me then you probably have an updated resume that you can print off to give to prospective employers. So you print out a couple and then spend a day wandering around to stores you quite like, making sure to hand them out to people who will hopefully give you a job. Each time you will probably be politely told that they have no vacancies until the rejection begins to make your ears ring. 

So you print off a few more and resolve to slightly lower your standards for a part-time job. After all, you’ll reason with yourself, working at a comic shop would be great but a book store is just as good. Sadly these places will also be overstaffed and you’ll return to your flat with a bag full of resumes and broken dreams. 

Finally you’ll break down and start applying for the hospitality jobs that you’ve so desperately avoided. Usually these involve long hours, fairly low pay and dealing with some of the rudest people in the world. The likelihood of getting one of these jobs is much higher than it is of getting one of the jobs you want. Strangely enough though these jobs can also be the most rewarding. When you go out of your way to help someone or fix their order so its just right it can be a good feeling to be thanked by someone who really means it. 

I guess the morale of the story is that you shouldn’t shy away from the hospitality jobs as they can be great. That and you should plot to kill employees anywhere you want to work ahead of applying for a job there.


Anonymous said...

like like like like like like like

Cal said...

I want to work in a comic store please!

Anonymous said...

Where is the best place to work in Fremantle that will pay me a lot of money and will require minimium effort?

My last job was at Coles. I spent one year of my life "presenting shelves". It was suicidal and inhumane. WORST JOB EVER

When I quit and told them that I had study commitments they looked at me as if I was an alien. I need to work somewhere that can relate to the plight of the uni student! I start uni next year so I am hoping to get a job in the next couple of months after leavers.

Jonathan said...

I think what you're describing is something we've all looked for and have not found. The place I work at isn't bad and they do understand study commitments but minimum effort? Let me know if you find one!

Luke said...

My advice as a now older and wiser former student - make a big effort to get part time work in a company that might employ you when you finish. Even if it is delivering internal mail, best to work somewhere relevant to your study. Don't sell yourself short - make a good case and someone will be smart enough to hire you.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to employment!
Still in the process of finding a job though exams will come first.

Explorer Roarers said...

Hi - I am looking for a female Indonesian student to regularly (once a week for 2 hours) babysit my 2 year old son. I want someone who can speak to him in Indonesian. We are in Fremantle.

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Perth, WA, Australia
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