Interlude: The hot hot heat

It has been incredibly hot in Perth these past few weeks. Hot and humid. You toss and turn every night, trying to find the coolest spot on your bed and then wake up covered in perspiration. The rare breeze brings a brief respite that is gone all too quickly and you soon forget the feeling of being cool.

Air conditioners can slow the problem, turning your room into a cell that you don't dare step out of, but they shoot your electricity bill through the roof so you become afraid to turn it on. Scared to step outside for fear of melting and scared to stay indoors for fear that the heat madness will force you to turn on the A/C and live out your life in cool poverty.

The weather people keep telling us that it's a record heatwave, as if this is some kind of comfort, and that it will break soon. I have long suspected them to be simple charlatans who really have no idea of what something as mercurial as the weather will do next. That, or the one's in Perth are just terrible at their jobs.

This weekend will apparently bring us light showers that will perhaps tide us over until winter is ready to hold us in her tender embrace. The phrase, 'beat the heat', is blared out in so many different adverts that they seem to forget that you cannot. All you can do is endure until it goes away, much like toothache or the flu.

I, for one, will be lying in a bathtub full of ice until the situation remedies itself. I recommend you do the same.


Cal said...

Too hot to type in a witty reply

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Perth, WA, Australia
I live in Perth and this blog is about navigating that life in my own way.


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