So what goes here?

It has been nearly a year since I last put something on this blog. Nearly 365 days of silence. Yet life went on. I had a job, quit, found another job, still in the second job, found a house, kept that house, was adopted by a cat, went on adventures, got sick at various points in the year and generally got on with the business of being alive.

So why then, if there was so much going on, did I not take the time to write any of it down?

The truth is, I wasn't sure how.

This blog was tellingly called, "Inside the mind of a student". An unimaginative but accurate title that conveyed the flavour and style of content you could expect. Would anyone have cared or related to my struggle to understand credit cards? Would someone on the other side of the world, looking for advice on whether or not Perth was the city for them necessarily care that I do not understand how promotions or raises work in the real world?

The temptation was then to simply accept that I was no longer a student and could no longer really offer an insiders guide to University. The one thing I always wanted to be, was genuine and I didn't think that giving Uni students advice on which campus eatery was the best would be any good given that I haven't visited Murdoch in over a year. Yet comments still sporadically appeared, people saying that they liked a post or asking for a more in-depth description of some point. I loved them for it. It dragged me back and reminded me how much I had loved writing this blog, how much I didn't want to abandon it.

So what goes here then? I have had many people give me lots of different opinions on what they would like to see me write about. All of them kind and all of them did not suit. Someone recommended that I turn this into a blog that teaches people how to make simple, healthy meals that are cheaper than fast food. Those exist though I don't know how to make them. I strongly urge that person to make that idea a reality. I'm just not the one to do it.

Instead what I offer is this, a blog about life. Specifically, life as I find it. It probably won't illuminate any of the great mysteries and it certainly won't help you differentiate between a fixed rate mortgage and throwing your money in a hole. It will offer exactly what it does, nothing more and hopefully nothing less.

In this way I will take a bit of the pressure off of myself to be genuine. I don't need to just talk about experiences unique to students but can talk about ones that I have experienced in the life that comes after academics. Murdoch was the place that nurtured me, helped me to find a part of who I am and always supported my dreams. I'm sorry to leave it as a topic but I hope that I will have the opportunity to revisit it one day.

To everyone that has been reading up to this point, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope that I can reward the loyalty by making this next chapter of this blog worth reading.

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Cal said...

Yay! This is exciting and I need to pay more attention to the updates!

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Perth, WA, Australia
I live in Perth and this blog is about navigating that life in my own way.


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